Ascites in Dogs: Causes and Treatment of Fluid in the Abdomen

Ascites in dogs is an abnormal buildup of abdominal fluid that occurs as a result of an underlying disease. Several health conditions can cause ascites, and ignoring the symptoms can be detrimental to your dog's health. Learn the signs, causes, and treatment of ascites in dogs so you can help your pup feel better soon.

What Is Ascites in Dogs?

Ascites in dogs is free fluid floating in the abdomen. This is not a disease itself, but a sign of a serious underlying medical problem.

The abdomen contains many organs including the kidneys, intestines, stomach, liver, spleen, bladder, and others. There is normally very little fluid that is outside of these structures. When ascites develops, the organs are surrounded by fluid that is freely floating around in the abdomen.

Symptoms of Ascites in Dogs

A dog with ascites may experience few symptoms at first. As the fluid continues to build up, you may notice several signs of illness:

Swollen Abdomen

The most obvious sign of ascites in dogs is a swollen belly. This swelling or distension is due to the excess fluid that is accumulating in the abdomen and makes a dog appear bloated. An abdomen that is filled with fluid will be larger and rounder than normal as the volume of fluid stretches the abdominal walls. This process is similar to a balloon being slowly filled with water.


As with most animals, a sick dog with ascites will often seem lethargic because of the underlying medical issue that is causing the fluid to accumulate.

Difficulty Breathing and Panting

Abdominal swelling puts pressure on the diaphragm, which can make it harder for the dog's lungs to expand during breathing. This can result in labored breathing or panting.

Weight Gain

Weight gain may be noted due to the excessive fluid in the abdomen. Often, the dog will not appear overweight aside from a bloated belly.

Decreased Appetite

A dog with ascites will often have a poor appetite because of the swollen abdominal area and feeling of fullness. Additionally, the underlying cause of the ascites may cause nausea, pain, or malaise that makes a dog not want to eat.


Vomiting may be seen in cases of dogs with ascites where the pressure of the fluid is pushing on the stomach and diaphragm. Or, the underlying cause of the ascites may cause nausea.


Abdominal swelling will cause discomfort or pain in your dog. The dog may stand in a hunched position or have trouble getting comfortable. They may flinch or move away if you touch their belly.

What Causes Ascites in Dogs?

Ascites in dogs occurs as a result of an underlying condition, and some are more common than others.

  • Heart failure: Right-sided heart failure can lead to circulation issues and result in ascites. This is a fairly common reason for ascites in dogs.
  • Liver Disease: The free fluid that occurs due to circulation issues and low protein levels in the body.
  • Kidney issues: Kidney dysfunction can cause a dog to develop ascites due to protein lost through the kidneys.
  • Internal bleeding: If an internal organ has been traumatized, there may be internal bleeding that can accumulate in the abdomen.
  • Bladder rupture: If the bladder can't empty normally or has been traumatized it can rupture, causing urine to accumulate in the abdomen.
  • Peritonitis: Peritonitis is an infection of the abdominal lining, and the associated inflammation causes fluid buildup.
  • Cancer: Cancer can also lead to ascites by causing inflammation of the abdominal lining, abnormal bleeding, or circulatory issues.

How Vets Diagnose Ascites in Dogs

Your veterinarian will perform a full physical examination and may recommend imaging like X-rays or ultrasound to visualize the abdomen. Fluid will obscure details on an X-ray, so an ultrasound may be the next step if fluid is seen on X-rays. Your veterinarian will look for free fluid in the abdominal cavity along with any abnormalities that could cause the fluid accumulation.

If ascites is seen on imaging, your vet may order blood tests, urine tests, and fluid sampling to find the underlying reason for the condition.

The vet may also opt to tap the abdomen using a needle and syringe to see if fluid is present. If it is, this fluid may then be analyzed by a laboratory to see what kind of cells it contains and help figure out where it is coming from.

How to Treat Ascites in Dogs

The treatment of ascites will vary depending on what caused it in the first place. Three common types of treatment for ascites in dogs include:

  • Surgery: Sometimes surgery will be needed to address the cause. This is often true in cases of peritonitis, ruptured urinary bladder, or bleeding tumor.
  • Draining: Your veterinarian may relieve the pressure by draining the fluid using a needle and syringe. The procedure, called an abdominocentesis, may need to be done multiple times if the underlying reason for the ascites is not able to be corrected with surgery, medications, or diet changes. Draining fluid can usually be done without sedation or anesthesia using a needle and syringe. This will only help to manage the fluid buildup and does not treat the underlying cause.
  • Medication and diet: Some conditions, like heart disease and kidney disease that result in low protein levels, require long-term medications. Special diets to limit sodium or fat may be part of ongoing treatments, as well.

Prognosis for Dogs With Ascites

A dog's prognosis will depend on the underlying cause of the condition. Ascites can signal a poor outcome for the dog, but some conditions can be managed long term.

How to Prevent Ascites in Dogs

Since there are so many causes of ascites in dogs it is hard to prevent it. The best thing you can do to help keep your dog healthy and prevent ascites from occurring is to have regular veterinary examinations and blood work performed to look for any abnormalities. This can help detect diseases that can cause ascites in their early stages and prevent fluid from building up in the abdomen.


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